2016年5月5日 星期四


有学生问我: “Please, look at here!”。对?还是“Please, look here!”对?

Here, there 和 home 是地方性副词 (ADVERB OF PLACE ) 不是硬体性的构造 (PHSICAL CONTRUCTION )不用 in, at, on 和 to.

We go home. Home 是地方性副词 (ADVERB OF PLACE )

We go to our house. House 是硬体性的构造(PHSICAL CONSTRUCTION )需用上副词的 TO

同样的, 我们说 “Come here. ” 和 “ Go there.”我们不说“Come to here. ” 和 “ Go to there.” 因为 here 和 there 是地方性副词 (ADVERB OF PLACE )。

反而我们说“Come to my place.”,“Go to the park.” 我们用了“ to ”因为 “my place”,“ the park”是硬体性的构造(PHSICAL CONSTRUCTION )

但有时我们会听到:“ He kept all things at home.” I am at home today。”在这里,讲话的人是强调 “home”,

另者,在这里,home 可当为 house 的解释。其实,他也可说:“He kept all things home.”,“I am home today”。

无论如何,I am home He kept all his things home 是比较合文法的规范。

