2016年5月24日 星期二






乙:“ 看看我们的华文书本,报章,杂志等,华文的书写,文字的印刷可不是从上至下吗?这是否要读者不要有二想,阅读时要不时点头表示接受作者的看法或思想吗!? 但你看外国的语文尤其是英文,它们的印刷是从左至右的。读者在阅读时不是左右摆动,好像不同意作者的论点和概念吗?”







2016年5月22日 星期日



2016年5月18日 星期三






林吉祥是位资深的政客。他强调和高谈“自由民主”,但本身却滥用和利用“自由民主”的程序来满足本身的利益;他多次败选而更换选区。在我国的政坛上,林吉祥创造了一个健力士的世界记录,至今他共竞选了六个国会议席如马六甲市区,八打灵再也,槟城丹绒,升旗山,怡保东区和现今的振林山,也竞选了七个州议席如雪兰莪沙登,马六甲的姑务,怡力,槟城的甘榜哥南区,巴當哥打,丹絨武雅州選區,植物園州選區。这个记录对林吉祥是功绩但对我国的“自由民主”的程序是个笑剧! 两位政治立场不一样的重量级人物为了“拯救马来西亚”现在相互拥抱,立场也互相地逆转。人民,选民难做!我们真的要喊:“政客啊!政客啊!请你高抬贵手,放了我们吧!”

2016年5月15日 星期日




在迈入网际网络的时代,人民的日常活动有了改变。人民喜爱上网阅读讯息,与不知名的人士交友攀谈!无论是阅读网上讯息,还是上网交友攀谈,网民须有特别的敏感度和明察分析,网上的讯息不可在没证实,验证后就当真对待之而受骗。我国每年有不少的妇女因上网交友因太相信其网友的甜言蜜语而受骗损失好几百万令吉! 政客是靠着他们的一张嘴儿而活;他们的成功就是迷惑群众让人民把他们所讲信以为真;这也是孙子兵法的策略:“让对方相信你受讲,当他们被迷惑时,你的胜利就不远了”

2016年5月12日 星期四

Whose lives are better now?

The Opposition shouted “ Change”. Yes, they wanted the Sarawakians to use their votes to change the Government by voting out the Barisan Government. However, this time, they failed and failed badly. They will try it again because “ change “ is an ideal weapon to convince the voters.

The slogan “ Change” has been used by the Opposition for ages as it is a psychological warfare and easy winning points for the campaigners during the election campaign. People like to change be they are rich or otherwise. People like to change be they are professional or otherwise. People like to change be they are illiterate or educated or otherwise. They want to change for the better.

After experiencing all the elections, have the voters really asked themselves who have or have been changed for the better? Of course, it is very obvious that the campaigners have themselves changed for the better even though they are not able to form the government. These campaigners either state assembly men or parliamentarians have enjoyed better lives with new houses and new cars, contrastively with a little or no change on the lives of the voters. This is what happened in Penang.

Therefore, it is quite clear that the opposition has been misleading and cheating the voters by shouting “ change” and using the slogan “ change” because at the end of the day, they gain much and most. In Penang where the opposition formed the Government, the people are suffering. The Penangites are now paying higher water rate, revised assessment, increased rate of parking fees with extended parking hours. Housing developers are building high priced apartments and houses without caring those from lower income group. The state assembly men enjoy higher monthly allowances and other revised benefits. These are the so-called “ change “ shouted by them.

With less than 2 years for the 14th General Election, slogan of ” change” surely will prevail . The emotions of the voters are easily played up during the election campaign and with lack of observation and analysis, the voters will once again vote in the campaigners solely on their slogans of “ change”.

2016年5月8日 星期日

Why was Adenan Satem popular?

The 11th Sarawak election was concluded with a landslide victory for the ruling party, Barisonal Nasional.

The opposition led by Democratic Action Party (DAP ) suffered shocking defeats. DAP only managed to win seven seats out of the 31 seats it contested in the 11th Sarawak elections, five seats short of the 12 seats it won in 2011.

Lim Kit Siang, a controversial politician, was quick to congratulate Sarawak Barisan Nasional Chairman, Tan Sri Adenan Satem on his landslide victory. Lim Guan Eng, the son of Lim Kit Siang and also the Secretary General of DAP as well as the Chief Minister of Penang also congratulated Tan Sri Adenan on the victory. However, Lim Guan Eng went further to elaborate that the landslide victory of the Barisan Nasional was because of the popularity of Tan Sri Adenan Satem.

If the readers are to go deeper into their analysis of the statement made by Lim Guan Eng it would mean the opposition lost because they were unpopular. Questions posed to the readers are what the reasons were the opposition unpopular to the voters. Had the purchase of the questionable low price of the bungalow by Lim Guan Eng made the opposition unpopular? Was the internal squabbles among the Pakatan Harapan made them unpopular? Were the controversies on Lim Kit Siang made him unpopular?

Whatever the issues are, one thing for sure, be it Lim Kit Siang or Lim Guan Eng, nobody would resign from DAP to take it as a sign of responsibility of the defeat. The father and son would divert the attention of their party members by other political issues.

The result of 11th Sarawak Election would be different only if Lim Guan Eng was brave enough to take leaves pending the investigation on the alleged underpriced purchase of his bungalow.

The voters just wanted to see Lim Guan Eng walk the talk when he had been asking others to resign or take leaves when there were investigation going on. The stubborn refusal to heed the advice of taking leaves by Lim Guan Eng had made the voters uncomfortable and perplexed. Wasn't it? The result of the 11th Sarawak Election provided the answer!!!

2016年5月5日 星期四


有学生问我: “Please, look at here!”。对?还是“Please, look here!”对?

Here, there 和 home 是地方性副词 (ADVERB OF PLACE ) 不是硬体性的构造 (PHSICAL CONTRUCTION )不用 in, at, on 和 to.

We go home. Home 是地方性副词 (ADVERB OF PLACE )

We go to our house. House 是硬体性的构造(PHSICAL CONSTRUCTION )需用上副词的 TO

同样的, 我们说 “Come here. ” 和 “ Go there.”我们不说“Come to here. ” 和 “ Go to there.” 因为 here 和 there 是地方性副词 (ADVERB OF PLACE )。

反而我们说“Come to my place.”,“Go to the park.” 我们用了“ to ”因为 “my place”,“ the park”是硬体性的构造(PHSICAL CONSTRUCTION )

但有时我们会听到:“ He kept all things at home.” I am at home today。”在这里,讲话的人是强调 “home”,

另者,在这里,home 可当为 house 的解释。其实,他也可说:“He kept all things home.”,“I am home today”。

无论如何,I am home He kept all his things home 是比较合文法的规范。