2015年12月7日 星期一

Do you believe them?

Since Pakatan Rakyat ruled Penang, Penang Island has been experiencing the gradual defacing process with the daily deforestation near the hilly areas. Many high rise buildings are being constructed and built along the coastal areas too. With the present rate of acceleration, no sooner have Penangites lived in the concrete jungles blocking the sea views on one side and high rise towers mushroomed at the highlands on the other side where green produce no longer exists.

Ironically, many posters with the slogan “ Cleaner, Greener Penang “ are being hung at the lamp posts in the city. These slogans give the impression and perception to Penangites and also visitors that Penang Government puts much emphasis on environment protection. But the activities and plans of the Penang Government prove otherwise, the state government gives a “ go ahead “ sign to the developers to fell trees and level lands at the undulating hilly areas. The state government even planned to build a undersea tunnel to the extent of unbalance the ecology and the environment thereof.

Unstopped construction near the hilly slopes, continuation of deforestation, the reclamation project near the Penang seafront and the construction of undersea tunnel will definitely add to the spins of destruction and derailment of the balance of ecology and environment . But the Penang Statement vehemently denied this accusation.

Do you believe them?

