There have been cases of trees planted on roadsides or pavements fell onto vehicles or pedestrians and resulted fatality or financial losses to the affected victims. When the mishap happens, time and again, our local council will single out nature and weather as the causes of the mishap. The noticeable causes quoted by the authorities are thunder storms, soil erosion and movement and decaying trunks and roots. The reasons given seemed exonerating the responsibilities of the local council.
Are the incidents of falling trees onto roads, vehicles and pedestrians avoidable ? Surely the answer is no but it can be minimized if the local council is to take prudent and supervisory measures on its road widening or reconstruction. With the increase in traffic volume, local council has been embarking road widening to ease the congestion. Pavements and sidewalks have been narrowed. In the so-called road widening, trees planted on the pavements with their roots that have long penetrated deeply into the ground are being uprooted and exposed. The widening work is completed only with the exposed roots covered with mixture of thin layer of mud and soil beneath a layer of concrete. With this thin layering and leveling, are these trees with some of its roots just beneath the pavements strong enough to stand against the wind in the storming weather ? Surely not! Road widening is on-going process and trees on the pavement is the common panoramic view, In view of this, comprehensive study should be in place before the commencement of road-widening to ensure the safety of both vehicles and pedestrians.
Another common scene to the road users is cutting branches off the trees to avoid street lamps being obstructed and resting birds dropping. Heavy vehicles like sky lifts are required to perform the task and they are parked at the road side to do the cutting and trimming the trees, this will definitely cause traffic jam as vehicles are made crawling past. Cutting branches and trimming the trees will never end as branches will not stop growing, therefore, the activity of cutting and trimming will continue unless a replacement or solution can be found. Areca catechu or Pinang trees or pokok Pinang with few branches are abundant and common in our country. Why these trees are not chosen for some areas in urban areas ? If we are open to the concept of “ right tree for the right place “, existing problems can be minimized if not completely solved. There are many shapes and forms of trees, narrow, columnar, umbrella , pyramid, vase-shaped etc and also various heights. Choice of shapes and heights to suit the planting space in city streets or driveway surely will ease, to some extend , the existing felling of branches and its trimming work.
If not the best, at least better solutions can be found to minimize the traffic woes for road-users whose time has been wasted unnecessarily.
2023年10月18日 星期三
人造沙滩? 再来人造假山?
与友人闲谈中突然间谈及有关预定在2023年12月完工的葛尼水岸(Gurney Wharf)人造沙滩时,不少人问:“槟岛四面被海环绕着,为何州政府不专注提升,修饰或改造现有的自然性的绕海环境,反而选择具有对环境影响的填海工程呢?”。到底,槟州政府要向人民转达什么信息?我想人造葛尼水岸(Gurney Wharf)很可能是州政府因为目前有许多的沿海一带的海滩已再不能再任由槟州人民自由进入闲游了,《人造沙滩》是“亡羊补牢”向人民负荆请请罪的举动吧!
是的,原本海滩是属于公众的地方,任何人都可以出入无阻!但自从海滨酒店,旅馆出现在沿海地带,有酒店与旅馆的海滨海滩就变了它们的住宿客的专用设施了。 槟岛因地少,如今公寓与豪宅也靠着或朝向海滨海滩而建,公众人士已不能像往日在公寓前的海滨休闲散步!那是因为海滨已被公寓建筑占据,路通至海滨需要获得公寓管理层的保安人员点头说OK!这是否是公寓建筑前的公众海滨已被私有化呢?如今槟岛四面美丽的自然海滩犹如《大姑娘的肿脸,难看啊!》。不得不建一个《人造沙滩》,演一个下雨时出大阳,假晴(假情也)!即使你能路通公寓大厦至海滨,你是否能悠哉闲哉的在沙滩上通行无阻的漫步呢?不能!那是因为沙滩存有某公会只让给会员的地方,外人需《游海》而过!所以,州政府建个无障碍 设施的人造沙滩,似乎是《蚂蚁进磨盘,条条是道也》。
是的,原本海滩是属于公众的地方,任何人都可以出入无阻!但自从海滨酒店,旅馆出现在沿海地带,有酒店与旅馆的海滨海滩就变了它们的住宿客的专用设施了。 槟岛因地少,如今公寓与豪宅也靠着或朝向海滨海滩而建,公众人士已不能像往日在公寓前的海滨休闲散步!那是因为海滨已被公寓建筑占据,路通至海滨需要获得公寓管理层的保安人员点头说OK!这是否是公寓建筑前的公众海滨已被私有化呢?如今槟岛四面美丽的自然海滩犹如《大姑娘的肿脸,难看啊!》。不得不建一个《人造沙滩》,演一个下雨时出大阳,假晴(假情也)!即使你能路通公寓大厦至海滨,你是否能悠哉闲哉的在沙滩上通行无阻的漫步呢?不能!那是因为沙滩存有某公会只让给会员的地方,外人需《游海》而过!所以,州政府建个无障碍 设施的人造沙滩,似乎是《蚂蚁进磨盘,条条是道也》。
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