2020年8月28日 星期五

Let the professional view has it

Though the graphic depiction of the accumulated Covid 19 pandemic cases of Malaysia fluctuates daily, it is still within the flattening range of confidence level explicating the excellent commitment and sacrifice contributed by our front-line medical staff and cooperation by most Malaysians. Many Malaysians opined that the present success of curbing to double digit, intermittently to single digit affected cases of Covid-19 pandemic is attributed to the fluid coordination and interaction within the Health Ministry without interference from other Ministries or politicians. Many a time, there had been cases of political interference in the administration and commercial operations especially in Government Link Companies from politicians who acted non-professionally and derailed the problem-solving procedures ending with failure to the detriment of the nation. The United State of America today have the highest number of infected cases of over 6 million and death toll of nearly 200,000 cases, the obvious cause is the political interference when political decision outweighed medical and scientific decision. Amusingly, the need of wearing face masks ignited much arguments and disputes. The pandemic scenario of the USA today protruded to us that when implementation of rules and guidelines were based on political views and not medical or sceintific supported views, people just suffered and died unworthily and unnecessarily. To Malaysians, the outbreak of Covid-10 pandemic may be a blessing in disguise for awareness of importance of discipline, empathy and tolerance during the crisis to fight against any common anemic invasion, needless to say, the role of professionalism by politicians determines the degrees of success to be achieved in combating crisis or nation development. In planned development, all views are welcome but decision must be cleansed without any political influence and prejudice.

2020年8月13日 星期四





与丽芳寒暄,自我介绍后,知悉她英文掌握不好,需要指导以便应付以英语为主的课程。面对着她,我可感觉她眼珠传递的眼神是伤感悲戚的,感性思维远远控制了理性思维,时时刻刻都被痛苦的经历困扰着,有很大的可能的是《选择读书》只是唯一能规避当时困在心中的悲痛。从那一刻开始,我了解我的任务是 要根除她心中的已扎根的障碍和净化她的感性思维。


丽芳有许多强点,其中之一就是好学不倦。因好学而喜探究所以能够接受新思想。在我教英文时,我不时添加许多的激励故事和赠送一些有关残疾人士奋斗的书本如天生没有四肢出生于澳大利亚墨尔本的尼克·Nick Vujicic),因患急性胃出血脑充血而被夺去视力和听力的美国著名的女作家社会活动家海伦·凯勒Helen Keller)等。同样的,我的小故事的《马戏团的驯象法》,《路边的小草》是她的最爱!我告诉她:“英语中失败是Fail。但如果深一步来分析,F是失败,ailam I lazy 的缩写!”所以,假如,你失败,你本身就得问问自己有没有懒惰!

